Foundations of Data Science

EPFL Extension School Logo, janv. 2020

After a couple of months of learning at EPFL Extension School, I finally got the diploma !

And I strongly recomment the Extension School : this was a great experience and I was nicely surprised by the quality of this course.

Each chapter contains a part of theory, followed by small exercices. At the end of the training, there is a big practical part, with projects to deliver.

The team of professors are available for discussions and more explanations. Very cool !

Thanks Swisscom for having paid this training !

Some Links

Content of the course

  1. Introduction
  2. Tables of data
  3. First steps with R
  4. Introduction to Datawrangling
  5. Literate programming
  6. Advanced Datawrangling
  7. Databases
  8. More Datawrangling
  9. Nested data and APIs
  10. HTML and Scraping
  11. Visualisation
  12. Analysis
  13. Machine Learning
  14. Media Data
  15. Data privacy and security
  16. Data and society
  17. Projects (6 R Notebooks to be created)



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Foundations of Data Science, janv. 2020

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