I'm currently working on a project related to web development technologies (IoT, REST API, Python and some open source packages). You will learn more on that in a few months, I hope. As I'm fighting with the list comprehension techniques, I was looking for a good JSON parser to better display the data I get back.
This website helped me a lot with this : http://jsoneditoronline.org .
Should you have find another website, I let you drop me a comment about this topic.
And if you need some data to understand what I'm dealing with, you can paste this in the left column:
[{'measures': {'02:00:00:05:c2:96': {'res': {'1440400568': [14.5, 88]}, 'type': ['temperature', 'humidity']},'70:ee:50:05:cc:ac': {'res': {'1440400617': [1002.9]}, 'type': ['pressure']}, '05:00:00:00:e5:6a': {'rain_24h': 4.343, 'rain_timeutc': 1440400613, 'rain_60min': 0, 'rain_live': 0}}, 'place': {'location': [6.2341437521148, 46.610756701907], 'timezone': 'Europe/Zurich', 'altitude': 1023}, 'modules': ['02:00:00:05:c2:96', '05:00:00:00:e5:6a'], '_id': '70:ee:50:05:cc:ac'}, {'measures': {'05:00:00:00:26:1e': {'rain_24h': 5.454, 'rain_timeutc': 1440400759, 'rain_60min': 0.606, 'rain_live': 0.101}, '70:ee:50:00:6b:18': {'res': {'1440400767': [1008.3]}, 'type': ['pressure']}, '02:00:00:00:68:70': {'res': {'1440400746': [14.7, 88]}, 'type': ['temperature', 'humidity']}}, 'place': {'location': [6.225976, 46.471649], 'timezone': 'Europe/Zurich', 'altitude': 827}, 'modules': ['02:00:00:00:68:70', '05:00:00:00:26:1e'], '_id': '70:ee:50:00:6b:18'}, {'measures': {'05:00:00:00:1f:64': {'rain_24h': 2.424, 'rain_timeutc': 1440401067, 'rain_60min': 0.303, 'rain_live': 0}, '02:00:00:02:2a:3a': {'res': {'1440401035': [14.6, 93]}, 'type': ['temperature', 'humidity']}, '70:ee:50:02:1b:1c': {'res': {'1440401078': [1012.3]}, 'type': ['pressure']}}, 'place': {'location': [6.25851, 46.51401], 'timezone': 'Europe/Zurich', 'altitude': 960}, 'modules': ['02:00:00:02:2a:3a', '05:00:00:00:1f:64'], '_id': '70:ee:50:02:1b:1c'}, {'measures': {'05:00:00:00:91:ae': {'rain_24h': 11.009, 'rain_timeutc': 1440400767, 'rain_60min': 1.212, 'rain_live': 0.101}, '02:00:00:03:7c:7c': {'res': {'1440400735': [13.5, 91]}, 'type': ['temperature', 'humidity']}, '70:ee:50:03:84:d6': {'res': {'1440400771': [1011.3]}, 'type': ['pressure']}}, 'place': {'location': [6.2734680175781, 46.515434265137], 'timezone': 'Europe/Zurich', 'altitude': 983}, 'modules': ['02:00:00:03:7c:7c', '05:00:00:00:91:ae'], '_id': '70:ee:50:03:84:d6'}, {'measures': {'70:ee:50:03:ae:f0': {'res': {'1440400670': [1009.1]}, 'type': ['pressure']}, '05:00:00:00:8f:dc': {'rain_24h': 9.999, 'rain_timeutc': 1440400669, 'rain_60min': 2.929, 'rain_live': 0}, '02:00:00:03:de:3c': {'res': {'1440400662': [15, 92]}, 'type': ['temperature', 'humidity']}}, 'place': {'location': [6.3098338, 46.5119656], 'timezone': 'Europe/Zurich', 'altitude': 734}, 'modules': ['02:00:00:03:de:3c', '05:00:00:00:8f:dc'], '_id': '70:ee:50:03:ae:f0'}, {'measures': {'02:00:00:13:22:7c': {'res': {'1440400771': [14.7, 90]}, 'type': ['temperature', 'humidity']}, '05:00:00:01:77:94': {'rain_24h': 6.363, 'rain_timeutc': 1440400771, 'rain_60min': 0, 'rain_live': 0}, '70:ee:50:12:f7:98': {'res': {'1440400778': [1012.4]}, 'type': ['pressure']}}, 'place': {'location': [6.0618059999999, 46.48434], 'timezone': 'Europe/Paris', 'altitude': 1124}, 'modules': ['02:00:00:13:22:7c', '05:00:00:01:77:94'], '_id': '70:ee:50:12:f7:98'}]